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发布人:     发布日期:2024-04-01   浏览次数:


· 姓名: 谢丽强

· 职称: 研究员

· 电话:0553-5910721

· 邮箱:lqiangxie@163.com






















1) 湖泊微囊藻毒素主要异构体产生和释放机制研究(41877486), 62万元, 2019.1~2022.12, 国家自然科学基金委员会, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 主持.

2) 微囊藻毒素在水生生物食物链中的蓄积传输及鱼类对其分解机制的研究(Y1S061), 70万元, 2011.12~2014.12, 南京地理与湖泊研究所, 百人计划启动经费, 主持.

3) 微囊藻毒素在水生食物网中的积累和分解(Y3BRO11050), 200万元, 2013.6~2017.6, 中国科学院, 百人计划, 主持.

4) 太湖水安全调控方案(2014ZX07101-011-02), 321万元, 2014.1~2016.12, 科技部, 国家水体污染与控制重大专项子课题, 主持.

5) 太湖藻类和水生植物对水质变化响应研究(KZZD-EW-10-01-2), 225万元, 2013.1~2016.12, 中国科学院, 中国科学院重点部署项目子课题, 主持.

6) 流域环境抗生素污染治理技术研究(Y7YZ051), 800万元, 2017.5~2020.5, 中国科学院, 中国科学院重点部署项目, 参与.

7) 长江中下游水生态安全评估与保障重大战略研究(Y7YZ011), 300万元, 2017.1~2022.5, 中国科学院, 中国科学院任务, 参与.

8) 湖泊水污染治理与生态景观恢复技术研究示范(Y7STS51), 720万元, 2017.11~2021.12, 中国科学院, 中国科学院重点部署项目, 参与.

9) 太湖水生态系统演变规律与调控技术研究(Y8SZX81), 387万元, 2018.1~2021.12, 科技部, 国家水体污染与控制重大专项子课题, 主持.

10) 湖泊典型有机物的控制技术研发与示范(Y9STS011), 150万元, 2019.1~2021.12, 中国科学院, 中国科学院区域重点项目, 主持.



1. 代表性论文(*为通讯作者):

1) Zhang KY, Gu YR,Xue QJ, Xie LQ*. Changes in microcystin concentration in Lake Taihu, 13 years (2007–2020) after the 2007 drinking water crisis. Environmental Research, 2024, 241: 117597.

2) Xue QJ, Xie LQ*, Yang J, Yang J*, Su X. The prevalence and persistence of microcystin in seven subtropical reservoirs in China and associated potential risks for human health. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2024, 33:103476.

3) Cheng, C., Steinman, A., Xue, Q., Zhang, L., Xie LQ*. The osmotic stress of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara leaves originating from the disruption of calcium and potassium homeostasis caused by MC-LR. Water Research.2023, 245:120575.

4) Cheng C, Steinman AD, Xue QJ, Wang X, Xie LQ*. The disruption of calcium and hydrogen ion homeostasis of submerged macrophyte Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara caused by microcystin-LR. Aquatic Toxicology, 2023, 254: 106377.

5) Tang XN, Steinman AD, Xue QJ, Xu Y, Xie LQ*. Simultaneous electrochemical removal of Microcystis aeruginosa and sulfamethoxazole and its ecologic impacts on Vallisneria spiralis.  Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 815:152769.

6) Cheng Ch, Steinman AD, Zhang KY, Qin L, Xue QJ, Wang X, Xie LQ*. Risk assessment and identification of factors influencing the historical concentrations of microcystin in Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 202, 127:1-14.

7) Zhang MCh, Steinman AD, Xue QJ, Zhao YY, Xu Y, Xie LQ*. Effects of erythromycin and sulfamethoxazole on Microcystis aeruginosa: Cytotoxic endpoints, production and release of microcystin-LR. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 399: 123021.

8) Wan X, Steinman AD,Gu YR, Zhu GW, Shu XB, Xue QJ, Zou W, Xie LQ*. Occurrence and risk assessment of microcystin and its relationship with environmental factors in lakes of the eastern plain ecoregion, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(36): 45095-45107.

9) Xue QJ, Steinman AD, Xie LQ*, Yao L, Su XM, Cao Q, Zhao YY. Seasonal variation and potential risk assessment of microcystins in the sediments of Lake Taihu, China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 259: 113884.

10) Cao Q, Wan X, Shu XB, Xie LQ*. Bioaccumulation and detoxication of microcystin-LR in three submerged macrophytes: The important role of glutathione biosynthesis. Chemosphere, 2019, 225: 935-942.

11) Xue QJ, Steinman AD, Xie LQ*, Yao L, Su XM, Cao Q, Zhao YY, Cai YJ. Seasonal variation and potential risk assessment of microcystins in the sediments of Lake Taihu, China. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 259: 113884.

12) Wan X, Steinman AD, Shu XB, Cao Q, Yao L; Xie LQ*. Combined toxic effects of microcystin-LR and phenanthrene on growth and antioxidant system of duckweed (Lemna gibba L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 185: 109668.

13) Su XM, Steinman AD, Oudsema M, Hassett M, Xie LQ*. The influence of nutrients limitation on phytoplankton growth and microcystins production in Spring Lake, USA. Chemosphere, 2019, 234: 34-42.

14) Cao Q, Liu WJ, Jiang WL, Shu XB, Xie LQ*. Glutathione biosynthesis plays an important role in microcystin-LR depuration in lettuce and spinach. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 253: 599-605.

15) Su XM, Steinman AD, Xue QJ, Zhao YY, Xie LQ*. Evaluating the contamination of microcystins in Lake Taihu, China: The application of equivalent total MC-LR concentration. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 89: 445-454.

16) Cao Q, Rediske RR, Yao L, Xie LQ*. Effect of microcystins on root growth, oxidative response, and exudation of rice (oryza sativa). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 149: 143-149.

17) Cao Q, Steinman AD, Wan X, Xie LQ*. Bioaccumulation of microcystin congeners in soil-plant system and human health risk assessment: A field study from Lake Taihu region of China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 240:44-50.

18) Cao Q, Steinman AD, Wan X, Xie LQ*. Combined toxicity of microcystin-LR and copper on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Chemosphere, 2018, 206: 474-482.

19) Cao Q, Steinman Alan D; Yao L, Xie LQ*. Effects of light, microorganisms, farming chemicals and water content on the degradation of microcystin-LR in agricultural soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 156: 141-147.

20) Cao Q, Steinman AD, Su XM, Xie LQ*. Effects of microcystins contamination on soil enzyme activities and microbial community in two typical lakeside soils. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 231: 134-142.

21) Su XM, Steinman AD, Tang XM, Xue QJ, Zhao YY, Xie LQ*. Response of bacterial communities to cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Lake Taihu, China. Harmful Algae, 2017, 68: 168-177.

22) Cao Q, Steinman AD, Yao L, Xie LQ*. Increment of root membrane permeability caused by microcystins result in more elements uptake in rice (Oryza saliva). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145: 431-435.

23) Su XM, Steinman AD, Xue QJ, Zhao YY, Tang XM, Xie LQ*. Temporal patterns of phyto- and bacterioplankton and their relationships with environmental factors in Lake Taihu, China. Chemosphere, 2017, 184: 299-308.

24) Zhao YY, Cao Q, He YJ, Xue QJ, Xie LQ*, Yan YJ. Impairment of endoplasmic reticulum is involved in β-cell dysfunction induced by microcystin-LR. Environmental Pollution. 2017, 223, 587-594.

25) Zhao YY, Shi K, Su XM, Xie LQ*, Yan YJ. Microcystin-LR induces dysfunction of insulin secretion in ratinsulinoma (INS-1) cells: Implications for diabetes mellitus. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 314:11–21.

26) Xue QJ, Steinman AD, Su XM, Zhao YY, Xie LQ*, Temporal dynamics of microcystins dominant oligochaete of hypereutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 213:585-593.

27) Zhao YY, Xue QJ, Su XM, Xie LQ*, Yan YJ, Steinman AD. First identification of the toxicity of microcystins on pancreatic islet function in humans and the involved potential biomarkers. Environmental Science and Technology, 2016doi: 10.1021 /acs. est.5b03369.

28) Su XM, Xue QJ, Steinman AD, Zhao YY, Xie LQ*. Spatiotemporal dynamics of microcystin variants and relationships with environmental parameters in Lake Taihu, China. Toxins, 2015, 7(8):3224-3244.

29) Xie LQ, Yan W, Li J, Yu LQ, Wang JH, Li GY, Chen N, Steinman AD. Microcystin-RR exposure results in growth impairment by disrupting thyroid endocrine in zebrafish larvae. Aquatic Toxicology, 2015, 164:16-22.

2. 主要获奖情况(省部级以上):

· 2002年,中国科学院刘永龄奖。

· 2003年,湖北省优秀论文奖。

· 2004年,日本文部省奖学金。

· 2013年,中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才”计划(中科院“百人计划”)(A类)

· 2017年,中国科学院优秀百人计划。

· 2018年,江苏省333工程第三类培养人才。