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发布人:     发布日期:2023-03-14   浏览次数:



· 姓名: 那萌

· 职称: 讲师

· 电话:13633603669

· 邮箱:nameng1991@ahnu.edu.cn





1. 2010.09-2014.06 四川农业大学 林学 学士学位

2. 2014.09-2017.06 东北林业大学 森林培育 硕士学位

3. 2018.09-2022.06 东北林业大学 森林培育 博士学位

4. 2019.11-2021.11 瑞典隆德大学 土壤微生物生态 博士联合培养


1. 2022.09-至今 安徽师范大学,生态与环境学院,讲师















1. Meng Na*, Lettice C Hicks, Yandong Zhang*, Muhammad Shahbaz, Hailong Sun, Johannes Rousk. Semi-continuous C supply reveals that priming due to N-mining is driven by microbial growth demands in temperate forest plantations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022,173:108802..

2. Meng Na*, Mingyue Yuan, Lettice C Hicks, Johannes Rousk. Testing the environmental controls of microbial nitrogen-mining induced by semi-continuous labile carbon additions in the subarctic. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 166: 108562.

3. Meng Na*, Xiaoyang Sun, Yandong Zhang, Zhihu Sun, Johannes Rousk. Higher stand densities can promote soil carbon storage after conversion of temperate mixed natural forests to larch plantations. European Journal of Forest Research, 2021, 140(2): 373–386.

4. Mingyue Yuan*, Meng Na, Lettice C Hicks, Johannes Rousk. Will a legacy of enhanced resource availability accelerate the soil microbial response to future climate change? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 165: 108492.

5. 那萌, 刘婷岩, 张彦东*, 冯晨辛, 刘道锟. 林分密度对水曲柳人工林碳储量的影响. 北京林业大学学报. 2017, (39): 20-26.